Watch as the loaded material begins dropping as the driver turns the corner. Then shortly after, the rest of his full load drops!
How many loads have you lost?
In the pit
Just after leaving the pit
On the road
At the dump site prior to when you wanted to dump
Have you had rock leakage from the doors not remaining closed completely?
How many tickets have you received for failure to secure your load?
What was the average cost of each occurrence?
Have you received any other traffic violations related to the belly door malfunctions?
If so, what where they?
How many were there?
What did they cost?
Have you caused any accidents through belly dump door malfunctions?
How many?
What was the average cost?
Have you had claims for windshield damage due to rocks falling off your trucks?
How many?
What was the average cost?
Are there any other expenses/issues not mentioned?
How many?
What was the average cost?
How many years do you expect your trailers to last?
Have you had days where you missed a round trip by only a few minutes?
How many times?
How much Revenue was lost for each occurrence?
How many lost time accidents have you had due to trying to secure your loads?
How much did each accident cost you?
Have you raised up too quickly under the trailer and bumped your head?
Have you bumped your back on objects under the trailer and caused cuts?
Have you fallen down crawling under the trailer to secure your load?